Keycloak public client and authorization

As far as I understood, you have your frontend and backend applications separated. If your frontend is a static web-app and not being served by the same backend application (server), and your backend is a simple REST API – then you would have two Keycloak clients configured: public client for the frontend app. It would … Read more

Copy entire directory from container to host

EDIT As a result of running ‘pwd’ your should run the Docker cp command as follows: docker cp 143v73628670f:/opt/jboss/keycloak/themes ~/Development/Code/Git/keycloak-recognition-login-branding You are forgetting the trailing “”. Therefore your command should look like this: docker cp 143v73628670f:/keycloak/themes/ ~/Development/Code/Git/keycloak-recognition-login-branding Also, you could make use of Docker volumes, which allows you to pass a local directory into the … Read more

keycloak – CODE_TO_TOKEN_ERROR after user is authenticated

I’ve found the solution. It seems that if you follow this guide: you will see that when you exchange the access code for the access token(/realms/{realm-name}/protocol/openid-connect/token) you need to add the same redirect_uri that you used when requesting the access code. It works for me now. Hope it helps, Adrian

Should I use keycloak or not?

So, the question was asked a few months ago, but I was also faced with that question, and I wanted to answer it. I think that you don’t need Keycloak, it is good enough for you to use OAuth2 and JWT. Let me justify my answer: You have just one client – an Angular application. … Read more

Keycloak – Create Admin User in a Realm

Create regular user in a realm: Open admin console and select realm of your choice (realm selection box on top left side). Go to users (sidebar) -> add user (button on the right side) Fill in required fields and press save button. Open Credentials tab and set password. Open Role Mapping tab: Select realm-management under … Read more