Powershell: get output from Receive-Job

If the job uses Write-Host to produce output, Receive-Job returns $null, but the results get written to the host. However, if the job uses Write-Output to produce output in lieu of Write-Host, Receive-Job returns a string array [string[]] of the job output. To demonstrate, enter this innocuous code at the PowerShell prompt: $job = Start-Job … Read more

Kubernetes Job Cleanup

It looks like starting with Kubernetes 1.6 (and the v2alpha1 api version), if you’re using cronjobs to create the jobs (that, in turn, create your pods), you’ll be able to limit how many old jobs are kept. Just add the following to your job spec: successfulJobsHistoryLimit: X failedJobsHistoryLimit: Y Where X and Y are the … Read more

Laravel commands and jobs

Console Commands Laravel has had console “commands” for some time. They are basically unchanged, and work as they always have. In simple terms, they are the equivalent of routes for the command line – the entry point into the application. They are in no way related to… The Command Bus Laravel 5.0 introduced an implementation … Read more

bash: What is a jobspec

The job control section of Greg’s Bash Guide describes this as follows: A job specification or “jobspec” is a way of referring to the processes that make up a job. A jobspec may be: %n to refer to job number n. %str to refer to a job which was started by a command beginning with … Read more
