How to delete a word in iTerm in mac os

Go to your iTerm preferences select “profiles” then “key” and change your presets in “Natural Text Editing” It should work immediately after. It works with iTerm version 3.3.12 Edit: In version 3.4, there’s a slight UI change. So you need to go specifically to your iTerm preferences select Profiles > Keys > Key Mappings > … Read more

Incorrect colors with vim in iTerm2 using Solarized

A couple of things to check: In iTerm2, in Preferences -> Profiles -> Terminal, under “Terminal Emulation” you have “Report Terminal Type:” set to xterm-256color. In your .vimrc, there are some options you can also set to make sure it’s using 256 colors: set background=dark ” solarized options let g:solarized_visibility = “high” let g:solarized_contrast = … Read more

Bash keyboard shortcuts in iTerm like Alt+d and Alt+f [closed]

The Option key (the Mac name for the Alt key) by default has other uses. Press Command+O to open the list of profiles, select Default (I assume that is the profile you are using), and click “Edit Profiles…”. In the resulting window, click on the “Keys” tab, and select “+Esc” for one or both option … Read more