Can someone explain an Enterprise Service Bus to me in non-buzzspeak?

Although ESB is based on messaging, it is not “just” messaging and not just a buzzword. So if you start with plain old async messaging, the early networks tended to be very point-to-point. You had to wire up (i.e. configure through some admin interface) each connection and each pair of destinations and if you dared … Read more

Spring JSF integration: how to manage a bean and inject a Spring component/service?

@ManagedBean vs @Controller/@Component First of all, you should choose one framework to manage your beans. You should choose either JSF or Spring (or CDI) to manage your beans. Whilst the following works, it is fundamentally wrong: @ManagedBean // JSF-managed. @Controller // Spring-managed (same applies to @Component) public class BadBean {} You end up with two … Read more

What is the difference between a channel adapter and a messaging gateway pattern?

That’s a great question since they are similar in that they provide an application access to a messaging system. It is how they acheive it I think that differentiates them. The Channel Adapter pattern deals how to get data from an existing system without modifying that system. Typically the Channel Adapdter is implemented out-of-process. Examples … Read more