using where and inner join in mysql

SELECT `locations`.`name` FROM `locations` INNER JOIN `school_locations` ON `locations`.`id` = `school_locations`.`location_id` INNER JOIN `schools` ON `school_locations`.`school_id` = `schools_id` WHERE `type` = ‘coun’; the WHERE clause has to be at the end of the statement

How to make an Inner Join in django?

You are probably looking for select_related, which is the natural way to achieve this: pubs = publication.objects.select_related(‘country’, ‘country_state’, ‘city’) You can check the resulting SQL via str(pubs.query), which should result in output along the following lines (the example is from a postgres backend): SELECT “publication”.”id”, “publication”.”title”, …, “country”.”country_name”, … FROM “publication” INNER JOIN “country” ON … Read more

Alias a table in Knex

I think I figured it out. In knex.js, say you specify a table like: ‘*’ ).from( ‘Users’ ) Then you can just add the AS keyword within the quotes of the table name to alias it, like so: ‘*’ ).from( ‘Users AS u’ ) ..and you can do this for column names, too; … Read more

Multiple inner joins with multiple tables

Inner joins are probably the best method, and you only need 3. This will give you a result set with two columns: company and associated values. SELECT,, table1.value FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table2.table1_id = INNER JOIN Table3 ON Table3.table2_id = INNER JOIN Table4 ON Table4.table3_id =