– session – multiple browser tabs – different sessions?

To facilitate multi-tab session states for one user without cluttering up the URL, do the following. In your form load function, include: If Not IsPostback Then ‘Generate a new PageiD’ ViewState(“_PageID”) = (New Random()).Next().ToString() End If When you save something to your Session State, include the PageID: Session(ViewState(“_PageID”).ToString() & “CheckBoxes”) = D Notes: As with … Read more

How to configure Web Deploy publishing feature on IIS so developer can publish?

It appears that one must still download the Web Deploy extension. Also, Version 3.5 is now available. To download on a server, default IE security rules will require you add something like http://* as a trusted site else you can’t download the installer. The whole package is rather large in its purpose and covers many … Read more

SSL Certificate missing from dropdown in SQL Server Configuration Manager

After communication in comments I can suppose that your main problem is the CN part of the certificate which you use. To have successful TLS communication for IIS Server one have no such strong restrictions like SQL Server has. Microsoft require (see here) that The name of the certificate must be the fully qualified domain … Read more

How do I enable upload of large files in classic ASP on IIS 7?

The maxAllowedContentLength controls how much data is allowed to be sent in a response. However you want to control how much can be accepted in a request. This is handled by the maxRequestEntityAllowed attribute of the limits element in the asp section of the config file. An example might look like:- <system.webServer> <asp> <cache diskTemplateCacheDirectory=”%SystemDrive%\inetpub\temp\ASP … Read more

Powershell – Set SSL Certificate on https Binding

You have to assign the certifcate to a specific site. You can retrieve the binding information of your site using the Get-WebBinding cmdlet and set the SSL Certificate using the AddSslCertificate function: $siteName=”mywebsite” $dnsName=”” # create the ssl certificate $newCert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName $dnsName -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\My # get the web binding of the site $binding … Read more

IIS AAR – URL Rewrite for reverse proxy – how to send HTTP_HOST

This post has the answer – Modifying headers with IIS7 Application Request Routing Need to enable preserveHostHeader – can’t see how you do that in the UI but this works Run this from command line to update Machine/webroot/apphost config %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.webServer/proxy -preserveHostHeader:true /commit:apphost