Convert byte[] or object to GUID
How about using the Guid constructor which takes a byte array? Guid guid = new Guid(binaryData); (You can then use Guid.ToString() to get it in text form if you need to.)
How about using the Guid constructor which takes a byte array? Guid guid = new Guid(binaryData); (You can then use Guid.ToString() to get it in text form if you need to.)
You can change the registered TypeConverter for something using TypeDescriptor.AddAttributes; this isn’t quite the same as Convert.ChangeType, but it may suffice: using System; using System.ComponentModel; static class Program { static void Main() { TypeDescriptor.AddAttributes(typeof(Guid), new TypeConverterAttribute( typeof(MyGuidConverter))); Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid(); TypeConverter conv = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(guid); byte[] data = (byte[])conv.ConvertTo(guid, typeof(byte[])); Guid newGuid = (Guid)conv.ConvertFrom(data); } … Read more
It enables you to use the $ROWGUID variable instead of the column name. It’s used mostly for merge replication. It doesn’t force the GUID column for PK, you can only declare PKs explicitly. The answer to your last question is no, unless you plan on implementing Merge Replication.
in my case most ids will be generated within a large number of mobile clients, not within a limited set of servers. I wonder if in this case, there is a justified concern. That sounds like very bad architecture to me. Are you using a two-tier architecture? Why would the mobile clients have direct access … Read more
The ADO.NET API has some problems when it comes to handling nullable value types (i.e. it simply doesn’t work correctly). We’ve had no end of issues with it, and so have arrived at the conclusion that it’s best to manually set the value to null, e.g. myNewRow.myGuidColumn = myGuid == null ? (object)DBNull.Value : myGuid.Value … Read more
Product/@Id=”*” randomly generates a new GUID, which is sufficient for product codes. Component/@Guid=”*” calculates a GUID that stays the same as long as your target path stays the same, which is necessary to comply with component rules.
You can use easily: .find({ “_id” : CSUUID(“E3E45566-AFE4-A564-7876-AEFF6745FF”)})
At least on MacOSX 10.5.x you might use the command line tool “uuidgen” to get your string e.g. $ uuidgen 054209C4-3873-4679-8104-3C18AE780512 there’s also an option -hdr with this comand that conveniently generates it in header style See man-page for further infos.
There is no such thing as a ‘GUID Type.’ You need to put it in quotes. A GUID is just a string, and string need quotes. All of the types are listed here on the JSON website. (Look on the right side)