Objective C defining UIColor constants

A UIColor is not mutable. I usually do this with colors, fonts and images. You could easily modify it to use singletons or have a static initializer. @interface UIColor (MyProject) +(UIColor *) colorForSomePurpose; @end @implementation UIColor (MyProject) +(UIColor *) colorForSomePurpose { return [UIColor colorWithRed:0.6 green:0.8 blue:1.0 alpha:1.0]; } @end

C++: When (and how) are C++ Global Static Constructors Called?

When talking about non-local static objects there are not many guarantees. As you already know (and it’s also been mentioned here), it should not write code that depends on that. The static initialization order fiasco… Static objects goes through a two-phase initialization: static initialization and dynamic initialization. The former happens first and performs zero-initialization or … Read more

bash background process modify global variable

Upgrade 2019 Playing with bash_ipc_demo adding completion and a graph generator. Rendez-vous If you wanna have two independant process which could communicate, you have to place a rendez-vous somewhere both process can reach. This could be a simple file, a fifo pipe, a unix socket, a TCP socket or maybe else (Rexx port). bash and … Read more

How to define a global variable that can be accessed anywhere in my application? [duplicate]

If you are having multiple views in your application, and in that case you want to have a variable accessible to every view, you should always create a Model/Data class and define the variable in it. Something like this : Objective-C : //DataClass.h @interface DataClass : NSObject { NSString *str; } @property(nonatomic,retain)NSString *str; +(DataClass*)getInstance; @end … Read more

Global variable with imports

Try: def changeGlobal(): global myGlobal myGlobal = “bye” Actually, that doesn’t work either. When you import *, you create a new local module global myGlobal that is immune to the change you intend (as long as you’re not mutating the variable, see below). You can use this instead: import nice nice.changeGlobal() print nice.myGlobal Or: myGlobal … Read more