Java equivalent of C# system.beep?

You can use this: java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); EDIT If you are trying to play anything of duration and with different sounds you should really look into the Java MIDI library. The default beep won’t be able to meet your needs as you can’t change the length of the beep.

Android audio FFT to retrieve specific frequency magnitude using audiorecord

First you need to ensure that the result you are getting is correctly converted to a float/double. I’m not sure how the short[] version works, but the byte[] version only returns the raw byte version. This byte array then needs to be properly converted to a floating point number. The code for the conversion should … Read more

Python frequency detection

The aubio libraries have been wrapped with SWIG and can thus be used by Python. Among their many features include several methods for pitch detection/estimation including the YIN algorithm and some harmonic comb algorithms. However, if you want something simpler, I wrote some code for pitch estimation some time ago and you can take it … Read more

Python library for playing fixed-frequency sound

PyAudiere is a simple cross-platform solution for the problem: >>> import audiere >>> d = audiere.open_device() >>> t = d.create_tone(17000) # 17 KHz >>> # non-blocking call >>> import time >>> time.sleep(5) >>> t.stop() is gone. The site and binary installers for Python 2 (debian, windows) are available via the wayback machine e.g., … Read more
