How to quickly open the current directory from the command prompt? OS – Windows
You can try: start . or explorer . . is a shortcut for current directory. In PowerShell command prompt: ii . ii is a shortcut for Invoke-Item.
You can try: start . or explorer . . is a shortcut for current directory. In PowerShell command prompt: ii . ii is a shortcut for Invoke-Item.
DragDrop.DoDragDrop can do this as long as you pass it an appropriate DataObject. First copy the files somewhere. You can use System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() if you don’t have anywhere better. Next create a string array containing the full paths to the files and do the following: string[] paths = …; DragDrop.DoDragDrop(this, new DataObject(DataFormats.FileDrop, paths), DragDropEffects.Copy); It is … Read more
Microsoft provides a walkthrough for creating a Windows Explorer style interface in C#. There are also several examples on Code Project and other sites. Immediate examples are Explorer Tree, My Explorer, File Browser and Advanced File Explorer but there are others. Explorer Tree seems to look the best from the brief glance I took. I … Read more
It’s the help viewer used with Visual Studio 2008.
I debugged this out of curiosity. All it does is post a message to one of explorer’s windows: BOOL ExitExplorer() { HWND hWndTray = FindWindow(_T(“Shell_TrayWnd”), NULL); return PostMessage(hWndTray, 0x5B4, 0, 0); } Of course this is an undocumented WM_USER message so the behavior could quite possibly change in the future.
I prefer dirtree (screenshot below) by Ye Wenbin. It feels pretty close to NERDTree / the TextMate drawer. It took me a few minutes of trial and error to figure out the dependencies, so take a look at the install instructions (and a few minor edits to the source) I’ve got in this repo.
You will need to access the registry and add a key under root\\File\\shell or root\Folder\\shell, depending on which items you want the menu item visible on. Try this article at CodeProject, it’s quite useful. Edit: There’s another article here which may be of help.
I Think I’ve found other reference about it. I’ve delete mine on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\LibraryFolder\background\shell Based on, Quite simple, I never think about it. You should see like this. From This To This. It works. Note For Windows 10, there may be also keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\background\shell and/or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shell\git_shell which you may have to delete as well.
Use: Runtime.getRuntime().exec(“explorer.exe /select,” + path); This also works if there is a space in the PATH.
Just because you have a project inside the workspace directory doesn’t mean Eclipse opens it or even sees it automatically. You must use File – Import – General – Import existing project into workspace to have your project in Eclipse.