How do you run eslint for only a specific rule or set of rules – command line only

I don’t know if this is the best way, but I was able to get this working: $ eslint helpme.js –no-eslintrc –env “es6” –env “node” –parser-options “{ecmaVersion: 2018}” –rule “{some-important-rule: error}” Note: With this method (ignoring .eslintrc completeley) you still have to add some stuff from .eslintrc like your environment and parser options.

How to increase EsLint memory to avoid `JavaScript heap out of memory`?

I’ve browsed the EsLint docs hoping to find an option to configure it to run with more memory. Sadly I was not able to find anything of the sort. However, inspired by @vsemozhetbyt’s answer -hence the up-vote- I started looking at Node’s configuration options and I’ve found a way to get around this using Node’s … Read more

Parsing error: ‘=’ expected in `import type`

UPDATE: The syntax is now supported by the latest versions of @typescript-eslint/parser and @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin. ESLint support for TS import type syntax is working in progress. Issue: Pull request:

How to forbid a specific named function with ESlint

You can do some very fancy things when you combine ESLint’s no-restricted-syntax rule with selectors. In your case you should be able to achieve the linting you want without writing your own plugin. The rule would look something like: { rules: { ‘no-restricted-syntax’: [ ‘error’, { message: “Please don’t use asMutable. We don’t like it!”, … Read more
