Maven error in eclipse (pom.xml) : Failure to transfer org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:pom:2.12.4
You need just to follow those steps: Right Click on your project: Run (As) -> Maven clean Right Click on your project: Run (As) -> Maven install After which, if the build fails when you do Maven Install, it means there is no web.xml file under WEB-INF or some problem associated with it. it really … Read more
Eclipse shortcut to run a class
Just use Ctrl + F11. (This is the standard keyboard shortcut to run the class you are working on) I wish this is what you are looking for… buddy.
Console disappear in Eclipse Juno
It happened the same thing to me. Just click Window->Reset Perspective and everything will be back as it was when you installed eclipse. Sure you’ll have to customize it back to how you like it, but at least you’ll have the console back.
How to show scala doc from Java Editor in Eclipse?
When using maven convention, a library is bundled as ‘group.artifact.version.jar’ for binary, ‘group.artifact.version-sources.jar’ for source code and ‘group.artifact.version-javadoc.jar’ for docs. If you don’t see the javadoc, then it means that the ‘-javadoc.jar’ for that artifact is not pulled to local, in your case for the akka artifact. If you right click on the library, you … Read more
Change doxygen comment style in Eclipse
Yes, this seems to be a bug in Eclipse CDT. As a workaround I suggest you create a custom template which can be accessed with the Ctrl+Space key combination. In Eclipse Helios: Window -> Preferences -> C/C++ -> Editor -> Templates Click on New… to create a new template and in the Name field use … Read more
How to use Eclipse UML Generators plugin
This question is old, but the answer could help other people : In the package explorer, right click on the package containing classes about which you want to draw a diagram, select “UML Generators”->Reverse java code
Embedding resources (images, sound bits, etc) into a Java project then use those resources
Just put those resources in the source/package structure and use ClassLoader#getResource() or getResourceAsStream() to obtain them as URL or InputStream from the classpath by the full qualified package path. ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); InputStream input = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(“/image.gif”); // … Or if it is in the same package as the current class, you can also obtain … Read more
How do I use classes from another project in IntelliJ IDEA?
You can create dependency between these projects (Make project B dependent on project A) What it does is essentially compiles project A first then put its compiled jar as dependency to Project B for compiling or running. You can do this manually also. Steps in IDEA ( You won’t need these below steps if you … Read more