What are the main differences of Sphinx and Doxygen? [closed]

This answer addresses point 2 of your question. Yes, doxygen partly has those features. You can have math formulas, that can be rendered either through a local Latex install, or through MathJax, a Javascript rendering library. As with Latex, these can be either “embedded” into text, or as a separate unit in the text flow. … Read more

Doxygen – Could NOT find FLEX (missing: FLEX_EXECUTABLE)

It seems like apt autoremove really removed the package I just installed in the previous step. So what worked for me was: git clone https://github.com/doxygen/doxygen.git cd doxygen mkdir build cd build These are new: sudo apt-get install flex sudo apt-get install bison cmake -G “Unix Makefiles” .. make …but of course the horror wouldn’t end … Read more

How to publish to Github Pages from Travis CI?

Step-by-step example with HTTPS API Token in environment variable Others have mentioned it, but here goes a more detailed procedure. Create a separate repository for the website (optional). This will reduce the likelihood that you overwrite your main repository, and will keep output files from polluting it. Get a Personal Access Token under https://github.com/settings/tokens Only … Read more

A doxygen eclipse plugIn automatically generating stub documentation? [closed]

A different (better) approach than my previous answer: In Window->Preferences->C/C++->Editor, In the right tab look for “Documentation tool comments”, and in “Workspace default” set doxygen. Now you can type /** above a function and press return. /** int foo(int bar); becomes /** * * @param bar * @return */ int foo(int bar);
