How to calculate distance from a point to a line segment, on a sphere?

Here’s my own solution, based on the idea in ask Dr. Math. I’d be happy to see your feedback. Disclaimer first. This solution is correct for spheres. Earth isn’t a sphere, and the coordinates system (WGS 84) doesn’t assume it’s a sphere. So this is just an approximation, and I can’t really estimate is error. … Read more

Fastest available algorithm for distance transform

This paper reviews the known exact distance transform algorithms: “2D Euclidean distance transform algorithms: A comparative survey” The fastest exact distance transform is from Meijster: “A General Algorithm for Computing Distance Transforms in Linear Time.” The design of the algorithm is particularly well suited for parallel calculation. This is implemented in my open … Read more

Vector Space Model: Cosine Similarity vs Euclidean Distance

One informal but rather intuitive way to think about this is to consider the 2 components of a vector: direction and magnitude. Direction is the “preference””style””sentiment””latent variable” of the vector, while the magnitude is how strong it is towards that direction. When classifying documents we’d like to categorize them by their overall sentiment, so we … Read more

Coordinates of the closest points of two geometries in Shapely

The GIS term you are describing is linear referencing, and Shapely has these methods. # Length along line that is closest to the point print(line.project(p)) # Now combine with interpolated point on line p2 = line.interpolate(line.project(p)) print(p2) # POINT (5 7) An alternative method is to use nearest_points: from shapely.ops import nearest_points p2 = nearest_points(line, … Read more
