What is the return type of the built-in assignment operator?

The standard correctly defines the return type of an assignment operator. Actually, the assignment operation itself doesn’t depend on the return value – that’s why the return type isn’t straightforward to understanding. The return type is important for chaining operations. Consider the following construction: a = b = c;. This should be equal to a … Read more

what is return type of assignment operator?

The standard correctly defines the return type of an assignment operator. Actually, the assignment operation itself doesn’t depend on the return value – that’s why the return type isn’t straightforward to understanding. The return type is important for chaining operations. Consider the following construction: a = b = c;. This should be equal to a … Read more

Why does printing a pointer print the same thing as printing the dereferenced pointer?

Rust usually focuses on object value (i.e. the interesting part of the contents) rather than object identity (memory addresses). The implementation of Display for &T where T implements Display defers directly to the contents. Expanding that macro manually for the String implementation of Display: impl<‘a> Display for &’a String { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) … Read more

C programming: Dereferencing pointer to incomplete type error

You haven’t defined struct stasher_file by your first definition. What you have defined is an nameless struct type and a variable stasher_file of that type. Since there’s no definition for such type as struct stasher_file in your code, the compiler complains about incomplete type. In order to define struct stasher_file, you should have done it … Read more