How to revert to previous commit in CVS

CVS documentation can be found here, but from this site it tells how to revert a single file: MAKING THE OLD VERSION THE CURRENT VERSION Save the version of “oldfile” to something else and check out the “current” version. Note: you must still to do update -A to get the current version, because even though … Read more

Remove empty directory from CVS?

AFAIK the CVS protocol does not allow to remove directories. You should go to the server console and remove them from the real physical repository. You don’t remove the directory itself; there is no way to do that.

How to add CVS directories recursively

I found this worked pretty effectively: First, add all the directories, but not any named “CVS”: find . -type d \! -name CVS -exec cvs add ‘{}’ \; Then add all the files, excluding anything in a CVS directory: find . \( -type d -name CVS -prune \) -o \( -type f -exec cvs add … Read more
