Creating call graph

Take a look here: func main() { defer profile.Start(profile.CPUProfile, profile.ProfilePath(“.”)).Stop() // Rest of program } Build and run your program as per normal. You’ll see the profiling hook mentioned: 2015/07/12 09:02:02 profile: cpu profiling enabled, cpu.pprof Run your program (bench it, run through it, etc) to generate the profile during runtime. Once you’ve … Read more

Build a Call graph in python including modules and functions? [closed]

The best tool I’ve found is called pyan, and was originally written by Edmund Horner, improved by him, and then given colorization and other features by Juha Jeronen. That version has useful commandline options: Usage: FILENAME… [–dot|–tgf] Analyse one or more Python source files and generate an approximate call graph of the modules, classes … Read more