This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin “cocoa”

When building an app with cx_Freeze on MacOSX all dependent libraries (.so files on MacOSX) are packaged into the application bundle. It is this that makes the application portable to other systems, without requiring a second install of Qt. When launching the Application, the libraries should therefore be loaded from within the bundle. However, in … Read more

Configuration.resolve has an unknown property ‘root’

resolve.root is Webpack 1 configuration and doesn’t exist for Webpack 2. For Webpack 2 you can use resolve.modules: module.exports= { entry:’./public/app.jsx’, output: { path: __dirname, filename:’./public/bundle.js’ }, resolve: { modules: [__dirname, ‘node_modules’], alias:{ Mod1: ‘public/components/mod1.jsx’, Mod2:’public/components/mod2.jsx’, Mod3: ‘public/components/mod3.jsx’ }, extensions: [‘*’,’.js’,’.jsx’] }, module :{ rules:[{ use : ‘babel-loader’, query :{ presets:[‘react’,’es2015′,’es2017′] }, test: /\.jsx?$/, … Read more

SavedInstanceState is always null in fragment

All the problem was in that I don’t declare android:id for the fragment in XML. Android needs ID or TAG to recognize stored fragment and reproduce all elements in it. So guys, remember – every instance of fragment needs unique id or tag! Also, when setRetainInstance(true) is declared then bundle should always return null.

getExtra from Intent launched from a pendingIntent

If you change the Extra’s value in the intent, then while creating the pending intent you should use the flag PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT. A simple example would be PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0,intentWithNewExtras,PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT); This is the right way and will ensure that your new values are delivered. Hope it helps.