Why is writing to a buffer from within a fragment shader disallowed in Metal?

Writes to buffers from fragment shaders is now supported, as mentioned in What’s New in iOS 10, tvOS 10, and macOS 10.12 Function Buffer Read-Writes Available in: iOS_GPUFamily3_v2, OSX_GPUFamily1_v2 Fragment functions can now write to buffers. Writable buffers must be declared in the device address space and must not be const. Use dynamic indexing to … Read more

A dynamic buffer type in C++?

You want a std::vector: std::vector<char> myData; vector will automatically allocate and deallocate its memory for you. Use push_back to add new data (vector will resize for you if required), and the indexing operator [] to retrieve data. If at any point you can guess how much memory you’ll need, I suggest calling reserve so that … Read more

How to garbage collect a direct buffer in Java

I suspect that somewhere your application has a reference to the ByteBuffer instance(s) and that is preventing it from being garbage collected. The buffer memory for a direct ByteBuffer is allocated outside of the normal heap (so that the GC doesn’t move it!!). However, the ByteBuffer API provides no method for explicitly disposing of / … Read more

Why use shm_open?

If you open and mmap() a regular file, data will end up in that file. If you just need to share a memory region, without the need to persist the data, which incurs extra I/O overhead, use shm_open(). Such a memory region would also allow you to store other kinds of objects such as mutexes … Read more

How to append bytes, multi-bytes and buffer to ArrayBuffer in javascript?

You can create a new TypedArray with a new ArrayBuffer, but you can’t change the size of an existing buffer function concatTypedArrays(a, b) { // a, b TypedArray of same type var c = new (a.constructor)(a.length + b.length); c.set(a, 0); c.set(b, a.length); return c; } Now can do var a = new Uint8Array(2), b = … Read more