Run Tensorflow unit tests

The easiest way to run the TensorFlow unit tests is using Bazel, assuming you have downloaded the source from Git: # All tests (for C++ changes). $ bazel test //tensorflow/… # All Python tests (for Python front-end changes). $ bazel test //tensorflow/python/… # All tests (with GPU support). $ bazel test -c opt –config=cuda //tensorflow/… … Read more

How can I ask Bazel to rerun a cached test?

There’s a flag for it –cache_test_results=(yes|no|auto) (-t) If this option is set to ‘auto’ (the default) then Bazel will only rerun a test if any of the following conditions applies: Bazel detects changes in the test or its dependencies the test is marked as external multiple test runs were requested with –runs_per_test the test failed. … Read more

What are the differences between Bazel and Gradle?

Disclaimer: I work on Bazel and I’m not intimately familiar with Gradle. However, one of my coworkers wrote up a comparison of the two systems, which I will paraphrase here: Bazel and Gradle emphasize different aspects of the build experience. To some extent, their priorities are incompatible – Gradle’s desire for flexibility and non-obtrusiveness limits … Read more