How to detect how similar a speech recording is to another speech recording?

A lot of people seem to be suggesting some sort of edit distance, which IMO is a totally wrong approach for determining the similarity of two speech patterns, especially for patterns as short as OP is implying. The specific algorithms used by speech-recognition in fact are nearly the opposite of what you would like to … Read more

Checking microphone volume in Javascript

A slightly more detailed answer after having to work it out myself feel may help others looking here. This following code will log out a number of approx 0 to 100 based on the microphone volume. navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true, video: true }) .then(function(stream) { const audioContext = new AudioContext(); const analyser = audioContext.createAnalyser(); const microphone … Read more

Downsampling wav audio file

You can use Librosa’s load() function, import librosa y, s = librosa.load(‘test.wav’, sr=8000) # Downsample 44.1kHz to 8kHz The extra effort to install Librosa is probably worth the peace of mind. Pro-tip: when installing Librosa on Anaconda, you need to install ffmpeg as well, so pip install librosa conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg This saves … Read more

iOS 4: Remote controls for background audio

The documentation examples are a bit misleading, but there is no need to subclass anything anywhere. The correct place to put remoteControlReceivedWithEvent: is in the application delegate, as it remains in the responder chain regardless of whether the app is in the foreground or not. Also the begin/end receiving remote control events should be based … Read more
