Applescript code completion shortcut
You can use Script Assistant’s Auto-Completion with the Option + Esc key.
You can use Script Assistant’s Auto-Completion with the Option + Esc key.
You can open an app by bundle id too, and give other parameters. If there’s an executable script in the current directory, the following command will open and run it in open -b The only down side that I can find is that Terminal doesn’t appear to inherit your current environment, … Read more
As Kamaros suggests, you can call NSApplescript directly without having to launch a separate process via NSTask (as CRGreen suggests.) Swift Code let myAppleScript = “…” var error: NSDictionary? if let scriptObject = NSAppleScript(source: myAppleScript) { if let output: NSAppleEventDescriptor = scriptObject.executeAndReturnError( &error) { print(output.stringValue) } else if (error != nil) { print(“error: \(error)”) } … Read more
Don’t despair, since OSX you can also access sed and grep through “do shell script”. So: set thecommandstring to “echo \”” & filename & “\”|sed \”s/[0-9]\\{10\\}/*good*(&)/\”” as string set sedResult to do shell script thecommandstring set isgood to sedResult starts with “*good*” My sed skills aren’t too crash hot, so there might be a more … Read more
Try this. Notice you use “-e” when you are writing the command. Without “-e” you would give a path to an applescript to run. Also notice the string command must be in quotes. osascript -e “tell application \”iTunes\” to activate” And if you have a multi-line applescript you use “-e” before each line like this… … Read more
You can use the Record feature of the Automator to record the UI interaction steps needed to do the relevant workflow. Then you can then literally select and copy the recorded steps in automator and paste them into a new Applescript Editor window. This will give you applescript which may or may not work. You’ll … Read more
let me start with this script (for Xcode 4.2.1), Open an XCode project at /this/path/project.xcodeproj (done) Duplicate an existing target and rename it (not implemented) Edit the Build Settings of the new target (done) Add a group to the Source and Resources section, then rename them (done) Add source files to the groups, and add … Read more
When using arrow keys you need to target them via key code. tell application “Sublime Text 2” to activate tell application “System Events” key code 123 using {control down, option down, command down} end tell ARROW KEY CODES LEFT: (key code 123) RIGHT: key code 124) UP: (key code 126) DOWN: (key code 125)
I got a similar problem when updated to macOS 10.15 Catalina. I went to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Accessibility and here I deleted my application and then added it again. After this, all work perfectly.
After searching for this exact problem, I found this book extract online. It exactly answers the question of how to skip the current iteration and jump straight to the next iteration of a repeat loop. Applescript has exit repeat, which will completely end a loop, skipping all remaining iterations. This can be useful in an … Read more