Add NuGet Packages Folder to Solution File?
You may be interested in reading this NuGet doc: Using NuGet without committing packages to source control
You may be interested in reading this NuGet doc: Using NuGet without committing packages to source control
Keeping your branch up to do date with the latest trunk check-ins is called a merge. I know merging can be a royal nightmare sometimes, but this is precisely what merging is.
Suggestion: Don’t bother with switching. Remove it from source control (SVN) and check it in anew (git). Or, if removing it by Visual Studio tools doesn’t work, here’s how you do it manually: Close Visual Studio; Delete the .svn folder Open the .SLN file in notepad, find the lines which specify the SCC provider, and … Read more
Did you enable AnkhSVN in Tools->Options->Source Control? When it is the default SCC provider it should automatically detect that your (C# ?) website project is already in Subversion.
I’ve used AnkhSVN for the past year and I’ve never had a problem with it. I switch between that and TFS and some of the times I think I prefer AnkhSVN to TFS.
It is there. Just change the source control options in visual studio to use Ankh instead of TFS. Go to Tools/Options/Source Control/Plug-in Selection, select the AnkhSVN plug-in. Then restart visual studio and you are good to go. Its working perfectly for me. Or reinstall the complete ankhsvn client. As this guy here: AnkhSVN settings menus … Read more
That happens when svn encounters a conflict: You changed a file, the file on the server was changed and it cannot (easily) be merged automatically. You need to decide what is the correct solution now. Subversion just adds the diff into your source file (and creates files next to it, called OriginalName.mine (unchanged) and OriginalName.rsomething … Read more
I found a solution myself and I wanted to share it here, hoping that it might save someone quite a few hours of research and staring at the “Preparing solution…” dialog. When inspecting the devenv.exe process with Process Monitor, I found out that it is pretty busy with accessing the .svn directory. Here is what … Read more
I have made a fork of the AnkhSVN project and published a version on Visual Studio Marketplace as AnkhSVN2019. This version targets only Visual Studio 2019. The page on the Visual Studio Marketplace is here: You can also find it by searching the Visual Studio Marketplace in Visual Studio. The project is on GitHub … Read more
I used VisualSVN until Ankh hit 2.0, and ever since, I’ve abandoned VisualSVN. Ankh has surpassed VisualSVN in functionality, in my mind, and all the 1.x perf and integration issues are gone.