How can I generate both standard accessors and fluent accessors with lombok?

Unfortunately this is impossible. You need to implement own getters and setters, and add @Getter @Setter and @Accessors(fluent = true) annotaions to achieve this. @Getter @Setter @Accessors(fluent = true) public class SampleClass { private int id; public int getId() { return id; } public void setId(int id) { = id; } } In result … Read more

Write only property in Objective-C

Another valid approach is to declare the normal property and make the getter unavailable @interface MyClass @property NSString * var; – (NSString *)var UNAVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTE; @end This will raise a compile-time error in case someone tries to access the getter. The main advantage of this approach is that you actually have a real propertyTM and not … Read more

How to get FormControl instance from ControlValueAccessor

It looks like injector.get(NgControl) is throwing a deprecation warning, so I wanted to chime in with another solution: constructor(public ngControl: NgControl) { ngControl.valueAccessor = this; } The trick is to also remove NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR from the providers array otherwise you get a circular dependency. More information about this is in this talk by Kara Erickson of … Read more

Using reflection to set an object property

Instead of trying to call a setter, you could also just directly set the value to the property using reflection. For example: public static boolean set(Object object, String fieldName, Object fieldValue) { Class<?> clazz = object.getClass(); while (clazz != null) { try { Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField(fieldName); field.setAccessible(true); field.set(object, fieldValue); return true; } catch (NoSuchFieldException … Read more

Why Automatically implemented properties must define both get and set accessors

Because the auto-implemented properties generate their own backing store for the property values. You have no access to the internal store. Implementing a property with just get : means you can only retrieve the values. You can’t ever set the property value (even in the containing class) just set : means you can only set … Read more

What are the differences amongst Python’s “__get*__” and “_del*__” methods?

The documentation for every method that you listed is easly reachable from the documentation index . Anyway this may be a little extended reference: __get__, __set__ and __del__ are descriptors “In a nutshell, a descriptor is a way to customize what happens when you reference an attribute on a model.” [official doc link] They are … Read more