How do I add fitnesse pages to version-control?

Use the -d switch (which is surprisingly low profile on a google search) Fitnesse20081201>run -p 8080 -d c:/projects/MyProjectNeedsAcceptanceTests This will create a subfolder in the specified folder called FitnesseRoot if it doesn’t already exist, with all the stuff it needs to run. Fitnesse should be up. Switch to your browser. Go ahead and create your … Read more

What is a proper way of end-to-end (e2e) testing in Vue.js

The tool you are thinking about is Nightwatch. With this, you can do E2E testing with Vue.js. Even better, this is bundled by default when you are using vue-cli, ready to run. The command line to create a project with Nightwatch activated by default is vue init webpack myProjectName. Here are small tutorials about it. … Read more

Are BDD tests acceptance tests?

BDD “tests” exist at multiple different levels of granularity, all the way up to the initial project vision. Most people know about the scenarios. A few people remember that BDD started off with the word “should” as a replacement for JUnit’s “test” – as a replacement for TDD. The reason I put “tests” in quotes … Read more

Unit Tests vs. Acceptance Tests

Acceptance and integration tests tell you whether your code is working and complete; unit tests tell you where it’s failing. If you’ve done a good job with acceptance and integration tests, and they’re passing, your code is implementing all the functionality it’s supposed to, and it’s working. That’s great to know (it’s also great to … Read more

Difference between acceptance test and functional test?

In my world, we use the terms as follows: functional testing: This is a verification activity; did we build a correctly working product? Does the software meet the business requirements? For this type of testing we have test cases that cover all the possible scenarios we can think of, even if that scenario is unlikely … Read more