Browser waits for ajax call to complete even after abort has been called (jQuery)

Thank you for your replies! It turns out I was completely wrong about this being a browser issue – the problem was on the server. ASP.NET serializes requests of the same session that require session state, so in this case, the next page didn’t begin processing on the server until those ajax-initiated requests completed. Unfortunately, … Read more

Standard 401 response when using HTTP auth in flask

Custom error responses are really quite easy in Flask. Create a function whose only argument is the HTTP error status code, make it return a flask.Response instance, and decorate it with @app.errorhandler. @app.errorhandler(401) def custom_401(error): return Response(‘<Why access is denied string goes here…>’, 401, {‘WWW-Authenticate’:’Basic realm=”Login Required”‘}) You can then use abort(401) to your heart’s … Read more

Xcode 8 cocoapods abort trap: 6

For me, I solved this issue by uninstalling and then again installing CocoaPods with –pre with the command sudo gem uninstall cocoapods sudo gem install cocoapods –pre Hopefully this will solve your problem. Update CocoaPods has released version 1.2.0, so you can now install using sudo gem install cocoapods And you will get version 1.2.0 … Read more

How to Abort Git Bisect

git bisect reset is the correct command. From the documentation: After a bisect session, to clean up the bisection state and return to the original HEAD, issue the following command: $ git bisect reset By default, this will return your tree to the commit that was checked out before git bisect start. (A new git … Read more