Find and version bump outdated packages in Flutter (across major versions)

With the latest beta versions of Flutter (v1.17) there is now a pub command to check for, and update, outdated dependencies.

To check for outdated dependencies, run:

$ flutter pub outdated -h
Analyze dependencies to find which ones can be upgraded.
This runs the "pub" tool in a Flutter context.

Usage: flutter pub outdated [<arguments...>]
-h, --help    Print this usage information.

Run "flutter help" to see global options.

and this gives output like:

$ flutter pub outdated
Dependencies                           Current              Upgradable           Resolvable           Latest
path                                   *1.6.4               *1.6.4               *1.6.4               1.7.0
permission_handler                     *4.4.0+hotfix.4      *4.4.0+hotfix.4      5.0.0+hotfix.3       5.0.0+hotfix.3

analyzer                               *0.36.4              *0.36.4              *0.36.4              0.39.7
build_runner                           *1.7.4               *1.7.4               *1.7.4               1.9.0

transitive dependencies
asn1lib                                *0.5.15              *0.5.15              *0.5.15              0.6.4
permission_handler_platform_interface  *1.0.0               *1.0.0               2.0.0                2.0.0

transitive dev_dependencies
build                                  *1.1.6               *1.1.6               *1.1.6               1.2.2
build_config                           *0.4.1+1             *0.4.1+1             *0.4.1+1             0.4.2
dart_style                             *1.2.9               *1.2.9               *1.2.9               1.3.6

1 upgradable dependency is locked (in pubspec.lock) to an older version.
To update it, use `pub upgrade`.

4  dependencies are constrained to versions that are older than a resolvable version.
To update these dependencies, edit pubspec.yaml.

To update with compatible dependencies, run:

flutter pub upgrade

or to update with potentially breaking changes, use

flutter pub upgrade --major-versions

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