As far as I can tell, there isn’t a built in method that does exactly what you are asking. But if you look at the source code for the pandas Series method autocorr
, you can see you’ve got the right idea:
def autocorr(self, lag=1):
Lag-N autocorrelation
lag : int, default 1
Number of lags to apply before performing autocorrelation.
autocorr : float
return self.corr(self.shift(lag))
So a simple timelagged cross covariance function would be
def crosscorr(datax, datay, lag=0):
""" Lag-N cross correlation.
lag : int, default 0
datax, datay : pandas.Series objects of equal length
crosscorr : float
return datax.corr(datay.shift(lag))
Then if you wanted to look at the cross correlations at each month, you could do
xcov_monthly = [crosscorr(datax, datay, lag=i) for i in range(12)]