stubbing a function using jest

With jest you should use jest.spyOn: jest .spyOn(jQuery, “ajax”) .mockImplementation(({ success }) => success([ 1, 2, 3 ])); Full example: const spy = jest.fn(); const payload = [1, 2, 3]; jest .spyOn(jQuery, “ajax”) .mockImplementation(({ success }) => success(payload)); jQuery.ajax({ url: “https://example.api”, success: data => spy(data) }); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(payload); You can try live example on codesandbox: … Read more

In Castle Windsor 3, override an existing component registration in a unit test

There are two things that you have to do to create an overriding instance: Assign it a unique name Call the IsDefault method So to get the example to work: this.WindsorContainer.Register( Component.For<IMediaPlayerProxyFactory>() .Instance(mockMediaPlayerProxyFactory) .IsDefault() .Named(“OverridingFactory”) ); Because I plan to use this overriding patten in many tests, I’ve created my own extension method: public static … Read more

How to test Gulp tasks

My approach is to create a test instance and use exec and yeoman-assert. Though it feels more like an integration test, I find it helpful to be sure the tasks run properly (my use case being a yeoman-generator). Some (mocha) example: ‘use strict’; var path = require(‘path’); var helpers = require(‘yeoman-generator’).test; var assert = require(‘yeoman-generator’).assert; … Read more

Is there anyway to merge cobertura coverage xml reports together?

The last release of ReportGenerator can merge cobertura files. You can install it from nuget usage: reportgenerator “-reports:target\*\*.xml” “-targetdir:C:\report” -reporttypes:Cobertura A file Corbertura.xml is generated in the targetdir directory You can use the dotnet core version to use it on linux or mac

How to extract Left or Right easily from Either type in Dart (Dartz)

Ok here the solutions of my problems: To extract/retrieve the data final Either<ServerException, TokenModel> result = await repository.getToken(…); result.fold( (exception) => DoWhatYouWantWithException, (tokenModel) => DoWhatYouWantWithModel ); //Other way to ‘extract’ the data if (result.isRight()) { final TokenModel tokenModel = result.getOrElse(null); } To test the exception //You can extract it from below, or test it directly … Read more

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