How to align tabs to top/right in bootstrap 3?

Use the class .navbar-right to push an element to the right within a navbar, or .pull-right to do the same when not in a navbar. <ul class=”nav nav-tabs navbar-right”> <li class=”active”><a href=”#”>Home</a></li> <li><a href=”#”>Tab1</a></li> <li><a href=”#”>Tab2</a></li> </ul> Good to know the other helper-classes here too:

Change JavaFx Tab default Look

You should also override the CSS: .tab-pane:top *.tab-header-area { -fx-background-insets: 0, 0 0 1 0; /* -fx-padding: 0.416667em 0.166667em 0.0em 0.833em; /* 5 2 0 10 */ -fx-padding: 0.416667em 0.166667em 0.0em 0.0em; /* overridden as 5 2 0 0 */ } Here the left padding value of the tab-header-area changed from 10 to 0. In … Read more

VSCode insert tab character manually

Quick-and-dirty solution: Find a tab somewhere else, then copy-paste. Chances are that you already have a tab character in the file you are editing, but if not you can generate one in another application or text editor. You can also generate a tab programmatically in a bash shell with the following command (the brackets are … Read more