Return distance in elasticsearch results?

Yes you can, by using a script field. For instance, assuming your doc have a geo-point field called location, you could use the following: (note the \u0027 is just an escaped single quote, so \u0027location\u0027 is really ‘location’) curl -XGET ‘’ -d ‘ { “script_fields” : { “distance” : { “params” : { “lat” : … Read more

How does IP geolocating work?

Mapping IP addresses to geolocations is done via tables, where an IP maps to a particular location. This location, however, doesn’t need to be accurate, since IP addresses don’t carry any information about their locations, these are approximated. From Wikipedia’s article on Internet geolocation: The primary source for IP address data is the regional Internet … Read more

How to calculate distance from Wifi router using Signal Strength?

FSPL depends on two parameters: First is the frequency of radio signals;Second is the wireless transmission distance. The following formula can reflect the relationship between them. FSPL (dB) = 20log10(d) + 20log10(f) + K d = distance f = frequency K= constant that depends on the units used for d and f If d is … Read more