Private bitbucket repository in package.json with version

Login to your bitbucket account and under user settings add an app password: Add package dependency to your package.json as: “dependencies”: { “my-module”: “git+https://Xaqron:[email protected]/Xaqron/my-module.git#*” } Replace Xaqron with your own username and pwd with app password from step one. to install specific version add #v.v.v (i.e. #1.0.0) to the end of dependency URL.

Is there a way to rename a repository on Bitbucket using their API

Using the Bitbucket website you can rename a repo as follows: Go to the repo’s overview page, usually Click the settings cog on the far right end of the menu row ! Instead of 1. and 2. you can type ‘r’ then ‘a’ for administration. Change the name in the Name field. Click Save … Read more