Why doesn’t this memory eater really eat memory?

When your malloc() implementation requests memory from the system kernel (via an sbrk() or mmap() system call), the kernel only makes a note that you have requested the memory and where it is to be placed within your address space. It does not actually map those pages yet.

When the process subsequently accesses memory within the new region, the hardware recognizes a segmentation fault and alerts the kernel to the condition. The kernel then looks up the page in its own data structures, and finds that you should have a zero page there, so it maps in a zero page (possibly first evicting a page from page-cache) and returns from the interrupt. Your process does not realize that any of this happened, the kernels operation is perfectly transparent (except for the short delay while the kernel does its work).

This optimization allows the system call to return very quickly, and, most importantly, it avoids any resources to be committed to your process when the mapping is made. This allows processes to reserve rather large buffers that they never need under normal circumstances, without fear of gobbling up too much memory.

So, if you want to program a memory eater, you absolutely have to actually do something with the memory you allocate. For this, you only need to add a single line to your code:

int eat_kilobyte()
    if (memory == NULL)
        memory = malloc(1024);
        memory = realloc(memory, (eaten_memory * 1024) + 1024);
    if (memory == NULL)
        return 1;
        //Force the kernel to map the containing memory page.
        ((char*)memory)[1024*eaten_memory] = 42;

        return 0;

Note that it is perfectly sufficient to write to a single byte within each page (which contains 4096 bytes on X86). That’s because all memory allocation from the kernel to a process is done at memory page granularity, which is, in turn, because of the hardware that does not allow paging at smaller granularities.

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