What is the best way to handle versioning using JSON protocol?

The key to versioning JSON is to always add new properties, and never remove or rename existing properties. This is similar to how protocol buffers handle versioning.

For example, if you started with the following JSON:

  "version": "1.0",
  "foo": true

And you want to rename the "foo" property to "bar", don’t just rename it. Instead, add a new property:

  "version": "1.1",
  "foo": true,
  "bar": true

Since you are never removing properties, clients based on older versions will continue to work. The downside of this method is that the JSON can get bloated over time, and you have to continue maintaining old properties.

It is also important to clearly define your “edge” cases to your clients. Suppose you have an array property called "fooList". The "fooList" property could take on the following possible values: does not exist/undefined (the property is not physically present in the JSON object, or it exists and is set to "undefined"), null, empty list or a list with one or more values. It is important that clients understand how to behave, especially in the undefined/null/empty cases.

I would also recommend reading up on how semantic versioning works. If you introduce a semantic versioning scheme to your version numbers, then backwards compatible changes can be made on a minor version boundary, while breaking changes can be made on a major version boundary (both clients and servers would have to agree on the same major version). While this isn’t a property of the JSON itself, this is useful for communicating the types of changes a client should expect when the version changes.

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