cmake cannot find libraries installed with vcpkg

You need to install the packages beforehand (using vcpkg install ). (Then you could specify the toolchain as a CMake option: -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:\path\to\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake but this won’t work if you already specify a toolchain, such as when cross-compiling.) “include” it, instead, to avoid this problem: Add this line to the project CMakeLists.txt before find_package(): include(/path/to/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake)

Dealing with “Xerces hell” in Java/Maven?

There are 2.11.0 JARs (and source JARs!) of Xerces in Maven Central since 20th February 2013! See Xerces in Maven Central. I wonder why they haven’t resolved… I’ve used: <dependency> <groupId>xerces</groupId> <artifactId>xercesImpl</artifactId> <version>2.11.0</version> </dependency> and all dependencies have resolved fine – even proper xml-apis-1.4.01! And what’s most important (and what wasn’t obvious in the … Read more