Xcode 8 does full project rebuild

I have found this works consistently, it will however compile swift files if you modify a header included in the bridging header. It will also do full compile if you switch git branches back and forth. Firstly make sure optimization level for debug is set to None (Not whole module optimization) Then, according to https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/62737 … Read more

Swift 3 UnsafePointer($0) no longer compile in Xcode 8 beta 6

From the Release Notes of Xcode 8 beta 6: An Unsafe[Mutable]RawPointer type has been introduced, replacing Unsafe[Mutable]Pointer<Void>. Conversion from UnsafePointer<T> to UnsafePointer<U> has been disallowed. Unsafe[Mutable]RawPointer provides an API for untyped memory access, and an API for binding memory to a type. Binding memory allows for safe conversion between pointer types. See bindMemory(to:capacity:), assumingMemoryBound(to:), and … Read more

xcode 8 push notification capabilities and entitlements file setting

I was struggling with that today in Xcode 8 GM. After disabling the setting, deleting my developer portal provisioning profile and regenerating it and enabling the setting again, I was able to eliminate the warning in Xcode. Keep in mind that I didn’t fiddle with the entitlements file. I left it at development environment and … Read more
