CoreData crash error Xcode 11 Beta, IOS 13 Beta

I found this solution. The errors have disappeared and it would seem to work. I keep testing. For all Transformable attributes, I have set “Transformer” to “NSSecureUnarchiveFromData” in the Data Model Inspector panel. EDIT: After a few days of testing I add something to my previous solution. The previous solution works if, after the changes, … Read more

Does iOS 13 has new way of getting device notification token?

You may use this method to fetch the device token on iOS 13 onwards: Objective-C: + (NSString *)stringFromDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken { NSUInteger length = deviceToken.length; if (length == 0) { return nil; } const unsigned char *buffer = deviceToken.bytes; NSMutableString *hexString = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:(length * 2)]; for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { … Read more

Chaining animations in SwiftUI

As mentioned in the other responses, there is currently no mechanism for chaining animations in SwiftUI, but you don’t necessarily need to use a manual timer. Instead, you can use the delay function on the chained animation: withAnimation(Animation.easeIn(duration: 1.23)) { self.doSomethingFirst() } withAnimation(Animation.easeOut(duration: 4.56).delay(1.23)) { self.thenDoSomethingElse() } withAnimation(Animation.default.delay(1.23 + 4.56)) { self.andThenDoAThirdThing() } I’ve found … Read more

SwiftUI dynamic List with Sections does not Layout correctly

Giving List a set of items seems to make it incorrectly treat Section as a single view. You should probably file a radar for this, but in the meantime, this will give you the behavior you’re looking for: struct ListView : View { let mygroups = [ TestData(title: “Numbers”, items: [“1″,”2″,”3”]), TestData(title: “Letters”, items: [“A”,”B”,”C”]), … Read more
