Remove source control for Xcode project
There are three ways. Method 1 will disable source control for all projects. Method 2 will delete the link to a single repository for all projects. Method 3 will remove the link to a repository for a single project. I think Method 3 is the one you are looking for. 1: Through Source Control Management … Read more
Xcode 4.5.2 errors are found but Build is marked as Succeeded
Cleaning, closing, restarting – none worked for me. A simple touch/edit to the pch file in question resolved the issue.
pod init” giving error “-bash: pod: command not found
Looks like you didn’t install CocoaPods. To do that you install it through ruby gems, like this: sudo gem install cocoapods If you don’t have admin privileges, try: gem install cocoapods –user-install
Display each item in an NSDictionary
Try this code for(NSString *key in [dict allKeys]) { NSLog(@”%@”,[dict objectForKey:key]); }