No realize class procedure defined

I suspected the problem could be on the libXt since the XtRealizeWidget symbol is defined in that library. I looked at it using nm but all seemed well: $ nm -D /usr/lib/ |grep XtRealizeWidget 02b39870 T XtRealizeWidget The “T” means the symbol is in the text (code) section of the object files that compose the … Read more

Fastest method for screen capturing on Linux

This is possible using VirtualGL in a server with hardware acceleration. Basically just configure the server appropiately, then either on the same machine or on a machine in the same network, run export DISPLAY=<your xvfb display> vglrun <your_app> This will have the following advantages: 1) your app will render using virtualGL, which will use the … Read more

Global Hotkey with X11/Xlib

Your program works here. My guess is you have another modifier active, such as NumLock. GrabKey only works on the exact modifier mask. For example here is some (GPL) code from metacity window manager /* Grab/ungrab, ignoring all annoying modifiers like NumLock etc. */ static void meta_change_keygrab (MetaDisplay *display, Window xwindow, gboolean grab, int keysym, … Read more