Windows Phone 8 emulator can’t connect to the internet

I think I’ve finally found the answer, but you’re probably not going to like it. It would appear that the phone emulator requires you to have a second network adapter to dedicate to this purpose. Personally, I run Windows 8 in VMWare, and so a second network adapter is free for me. Anyway, after you … Read more

Disable web page navigation on swipe(back and forward)

You Should Try this solution in two way : 1) CSS only fix for Chrome/Firefox html, body { overscroll-behavior-x: none; } 2) JavaScript fix for Safari if (window.safari) { history.pushState(null, null, location.href); window.onpopstate = function(event) { history.go(1); }; } Over time, Safari will implement overscroll-behavior-x and we’ll be able to remove the JS hack Possible … Read more

Can’t uninstall/reinstall NuGet package

In your Solution or Project you will find a file called packages.config. Open this file and you will see all the packages that NuGet has installed. The file will look something like this: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <packages> <package id=”Json” version=”2.0.3″ targetFramework=”net45″ /> </packages> Simply delete the line of your package and save the file. <?xml … Read more

What is [NotifyPropertyChangedInvocator] in C# when implements INotifyPropertyChanged?

It is a Resharper attribute from their Annotations – designed to give you warning then your code looks suspicious 🙂 Consider this: public class Foo : INotifyPropertyChanged { public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; [NotifyPropertyChangedInvocator] protected virtual void NotifyChanged(string propertyName) { … } private string _name; public string Name { get { return _name; } set { … Read more