Python client library for WebDAV

It’s sad that for this question (“What Python webdav library to use?”), which for sure interests more than one person, unrelated answer was accepted (“don’t use Python webdav library”). Well, common problem on Stackexchange. For people who will be looking for real answers, and given the requirements in the original question (simple API similar to … Read more

Publishing Outlook Calendars. What is the server-side setting for sync frequency?

CalDAV (Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV, documented in RFC-4791) uses the iCalendar (Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification, documented in RFC-5545, not to be confused with Apple’s iCal) format for the data exchange. iCalendar accommodates non-standard properties that start with a “X-” prefix. X-PUBLISHED-TTL is the property that maps to the recommended update interval for … Read more

Retrieve calendar items (Outlook API, WebDAV) displaying strange behaviour

Possible cause: Sort after setting IncludeRecurrences. Here is my code of a PowerShell module that retrieves Outlook items between two dates. And a little applet to check for changes and send an email including the agenda updates, which comes handy when you don’t have mobile access to the Exchange. Path: Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Outlook\expcal.ps1 Function Get-OutlookCalendar { <# … Read more
