How to send notification from handheld to wear to open Activity on wear device
The pattern to use for this is: Create a DataItem on the mobile. It will be synced to the connected wearable automatically. On the wearable, implement a WearableListenerService and listen for onDataChanged events. When you receive a DataItem, create a notification (with the data sent in the DataItem) and send it locally (i.e. on the … Read more
Not able to connect Android Wear Emulator with Device
@Lance Nanek basically helped me solved this problem. In case you had the similar problem, these steps might be helpful. run ‘adb devices’ , you should see two devices, one is your emulator, the other is your device with Android Wear Preview app installed. you might see your emulator offline, if so, kill the emulator. … Read more
GoogleApiClient onConnected never called on Wearable device
Oh wow, the answer is embarrassingly simple. I missed the part where in onStart() you need to call mGoogleApiClient.connect().
Game Command format between bluetooth controller and console
You could use the “Manifacturer Specific Data” Bytes in the BLE Standard to send some Data Between Wearable and phone. You could use the watch as a sort of beacon that can send your data in the portion of the message. Then you could read those values and get the data. Note that you can … Read more
“Failed to resolve: com.android.support:support-v4:26.0.0” and other similar errors on Gradle sync [duplicate]
I don’t have an Android wear project, but I had the same problem when I wanted to upgrade the Support Library version for an existing project to 26.0.0. Since 26.0.0 the support libraries are available through Google’s Maven repository. So I had to add the repository to my build. gradle file. allprojects { repositories { … Read more