installing Mayavi with pip – no module named vtk

I’m on Debian but this should work for you as well I was stuck with installing vtk into a virtualenv, after hours of search with no results I did the following and it worked. install python-vtk from repositories systemwide copy vtk folder from /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7 to /PATH/TO/YOUR/VIRTUALENV/lib/python2.7/site-packages In your case the system-wide python packages folder would … Read more

CMake ExternalProject_Add() and FindPackage()

there is a way to do this. but it´s kind of hackish. you basically add a custom target, that reruns cmake during build. you will have to try this in a small test project, to decide if it works for you find_package(Beaengine) ############################################ # # BeaEngine # include(ExternalProject) externalproject_add(BeaEngine SOURCE_DIR ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/beaengine SVN_REPOSITORY CMAKE_ARGS -DoptHAS_OPTIMIZED=TRUE … Read more