WIth Vimeo Plus account, how to hide/remove the “play” button in the middle of an embedded video?

You can now remove all controls just wanted to update anyone new looking at this. It now appears to be possible to have an embeded video without any of the controls, by using an experimental feature: background=1 Things to note All player toggles and elements will be turned off (including the play/pause button!) The video … Read more

Get video id from Vimeo url

Update: I notice that this answer is getting some attention every now and then (through votes or comments). The answer is more than two years old, and likely the URL types supported are no longer up to date. I will not actively maintain this regex – it is merely intended as an answer to the … Read more

Fire event when vimeo video stops playing?

Previous answer is now obsolete since Vimeo launching the new Video Player API. Important: Be sure to remove the ?api=1 from the URL in your iframe. This was previously required when using the Froogaloop library and is no longer needed. If you leave it in, the ‘ended’, ‘seeked’ and other events will never fire. Include … Read more

Vimeo Video Player in HTML5

This Vimeo doc might help. This is working for us: You need a Vimeo Pro account. Get the video link from the Distribution tab when looking at the video settings in Vimeo: Add the video link to your HTML5 video tag: <video width=”320″ height=”240″ controls> <source type=”video/mp4″ src=”https://player.vimeo.com/external/*.hd.mp4?s=*&profile_id=*”> </video>

Muting an embedded vimeo video

In case it helps anyone, Vimeo have added a ‘background’ parameter for embedding videos, that autoplays videos silently. In some cases that will be useful where people want to mute videos – this is their example: <iframe src=”https://player.vimeo.com/video/76979871?background=1″ width=”500″ height=”281″ frameborder=”0″ webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

Vimeo full width [duplicate]

The magic padding number you create for the container needs to match the aspect ratio of the video. If you inspect the video on vimeo, the res is 1296×540. To get the aspect ratio percentage, divide 540 / 1296 * 100% = 41.66666667% padding. Here’s a fiddle since the video doesn’t seem to play well … Read more

Posting an embedded video link using the Facebook Graph API

It appears that you have to extract the URLs of the actual swf in the page and the thumbnail image yourself. For example, this seems to work: curl -F ‘access_token=…’ \ -F ‘message=Link to YouTube’ \ -F ‘link=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aICB2mUu2k’ \ -F ‘source=http://www.youtube.com/v/3aICB2mUu2k’ \ -F ‘picture=http://img.youtube.com/vi/3aICB2mUu2k/0.jpg’ \ https://graph.facebook.com/me/feed It appears that you can generate a valid source … Read more

How to stop a Vimeo video with jQuery

First, add an ID to your iFrame. Then add this to your javascript close window click function: var $frame = $(‘iframe#yourIframeId’); // saves the current iframe source var vidsrc = $frame.attr(‘src’); // sets the source to nothing, stopping the video $frame.attr(‘src’,”); // sets it back to the correct link so that it reloads immediately on … Read more
