How to fix “mbind: Operation not permitted” in mysql error log

Add the capability CAP_SYS_NICE to your container until MySQL server can handle the error itself “silently”. service: mysql: image: mysql:8.0.15 # … cap_add: – SYS_NICE # CAP_SYS_NICE If you don’t have docker-compose, then you can define CAP_SYS_NICE via docker run –cap-add=sys_nice -d mysql References: Docker Seccomp security profiles: Docker resource constraints:

WSL Redis encountered System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can’t operate [closed]

Instead, use: sudo service redis-server start I had the same problem, stopping/starting other services from within Ubuntu on WSL. This worked, where systemctl did not. And one could reasonably wonder, “how would you know that the service name was ‘redis-server’?” You can see them using service –status-all

Android Studio: /dev/kvm device permission denied

As mentioned in the comments, starting with Ubuntu 18.04 and Linux Mint Tara you need to first sudo apt install qemu-kvm. To check the ownership of /dev/kvm use ls -al /dev/kvm The user was root, the group kvm. To check which users are in the kvm group, use grep kvm /etc/group This returned kvm:x:some_number: on … Read more