What’s the meaning of System.out.println in Java?

No. Actually out is a static member in the System class (not as in .NET), being an instance of PrintStream. And println is a normal (overloaded) method of the PrintStream class. See http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/System.html#out. Actually, if out/err/in were classes, they would be named with capital character (Out/Err/In) due to the naming convention (ignoring grammar).

difference between System.out.println() and System.err.println()

In Java System.out.println() will print to the standard out of the system you are using. On the other hand, System.err.println() will print to the standard error. If you are using a simple Java console application, both outputs will be the same (the command line or console) but you can reconfigure the streams so that for … Read more

How can I make Java print quotes, like “Hello”?

System.out.print(“\”Hello\””); The double quote character has to be escaped with a backslash in a Java string literal. Other characters that need special treatment include: Carriage return and newline: “\r” and “\n” Backslash: “\\” Single quote: “\'” Horizontal tab and form feed: “\t” and “\f” The complete list of Java string and character literal escapes may … Read more