Domain doesn’t work without `www`
All you need is to add the following code to your root .htaccess file: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]
Javascript Redirect with Google Analytics
Note: _gaq.push allows pushing of functions onto the queue. The following code should redirect after 250 milliseconds (to allow time for the tracking pixel) after the _trackPageview: var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push([‘_setAccount’, ‘UA-1234567-8’]); _gaq.push([‘_trackPageview’]); _gaq.push(function() { setTimeout(function() { window.location = “”; }, 250); }); (function() { var ga = document.createElement(‘script’); ga.type=”text/javascript”; ga.async = … Read more
Get the domain name of the subdomain Javascript
var parts = location.hostname.split(‘.’); var subdomain = parts.shift(); var upperleveldomain = parts.join(‘.’); To get only the second-level-domain, you might use var parts = location.hostname.split(‘.’); var sndleveldomain = parts.slice(-2).join(‘.’);
How can I programmatically generate Heroku-like subdomain names?
Engineer at the Heroku API team here: we went with the simplest approach to generate app names, which is basically what you suggested: keep arrays of adjectives and nouns in memory, pick an element from each at random and combine it with a random number from 1000 to 9999. Not the most thrilling code I’ve … Read more
Does a session cookie on different subdomain count as 3rd-party?
Cookies seem to be considered 3rd party if they come from different base domains (base domains being or, but not if they come from different subdomains of the same base domain. will be able to set cookies with domain if it is embedded within Having set cookies with domain … Read more
Why ww2 sub domains?
People running large(-ish) sites used to do this when they needed to break up the load between more than one server. One machine would be called www then the next one would be called www2, etc. Today, much better load balancing solutions are available that don’t require you to expose your internal machine naming conventions … Read more
Dynamic Subdomain Handling in a Web App (Flask) [closed]
All Flask’s routing constructs support the subdomain keyword argument (this includes support for route variables). @app.route(“”, subdomain=”static”) def static_index(): “””Flask supports static subdomains This is available at static.your-domain.tld””” return “static.your-domain.tld” @app.route(“/dynamic”, subdomain=”<username>”) def username_index(username): “””Dynamic subdomains are also supported Try going to user1.your-domain.tld/dynamic””” return username + “.your-domain.tld”
Regular Expression – Extract subdomain & domain
Your regex doesn’t seem correct. Try this regex: /^(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:[^@\n]+@)?(?:www\.)?([^:\/\n?]+)/img RegEx Demo
Heroku + node.js: I have a server which uses multiple ports. How can I get Heroku to allocate them?
Okay, after doing some research I’ve found out that opening ports in Heroku is disabled and not allowed. The only way around this is to use sub-domains and then in-app to use a proxy module (like subdomain-router which I use). BUT – Heroku don’t let you create sub-domains on their domain, meaning that is … Read more