Read bitmap file into structure

»This is how you manually load a .BMP file The bitmap file format: Bitmap file header Bitmap info header Palette data Bitmap data So on with the code part. This is our struct we need to create to hold the bitmap file header. #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct tagBITMAPFILEHEADER { WORD bfType; //specifies the file … Read more

Odd use of curly braces in C

Assuming that MyRecorder is a struct, this sets every member to their respective representation of zero (0 for integers, NULL for pointers etc.). Actually this also works on all other datatypes like int, double, pointers, arrays, nested structures, …, everything you can imagine (thanks to pmg for pointing this out!) UPDATE: A quote extracted from … Read more

input_event structure description (from linux/input.h)

The struct input_event is, among others, defined in include/linux/input.h. From 5. Event interface in Linux kernel Documentation/input/input.txt (and modified to provide the correct header file names): time is the timestamp, it returns the time at which the event happened. type is for example EV_REL for relative moment, EV_KEY for a keypress or release. More types … Read more

Why structs cannot be assigned directly?

What you are looking for is a compound literal. This was added to the language in C99. Your first case: struct MyStruct q = {x,y,..,z}; is a syntax specific to initialization. Your second case, in the pedantics of the language is not initialization, but assignment. The right hand side of the assignment has to be … Read more

Compare structures of two databases?

For MySQL database you can compare view and tables (column name and column type) using this query: SET @firstDatabaseName=”[first database name]”; SET @secondDatabaseName=”[second database name]”; SELECT * FROM (SELECT CONCAT(cl.TABLE_NAME, ‘ [‘, cl.COLUMN_NAME, ‘, ‘, cl.COLUMN_TYPE, ‘]’) tableRowType FROM information_schema.columns cl, information_schema.TABLES ss WHERE cl.TABLE_NAME = ss.TABLE_NAME AND cl.TABLE_SCHEMA = @firstDatabaseName AND ss.TABLE_TYPE IN(‘BASE TABLE’, … Read more

How do You structure an iPhone Xcode project?

The standard Xcode MVC folder structure is as follows. CoreData : Contains DataModel and Entity Classes. Extension : Contain One class(default apple class extensions+project class extensions.) Helper: Contain Third Party classes/Frameworks (eg. SWRevealController) + Bridging classes (eg. Obj C class in Swift based project) Model : Make a singleton class (eg.AppModel – NSArray,NSDictionary, String etc.) … Read more