What is the best stemming method in Python?

The results you are getting are (generally) expected for a stemmer in English. You say you tried “all the nltk methods” but when I try your examples, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Here are some examples using the PorterStemmer import nltk ps = nltk.stemmer.PorterStemmer() ps.stem(‘grows’) ‘grow’ ps.stem(‘leaves’) ‘leav’ ps.stem(‘fairly’) ‘fairli’ The results are … Read more

Stemmers vs Lemmatizers

Q1: “[..] are English stemmers any useful at all today? Since we have a plethora of lemmatization tools for English” Yes. Stemmers are much simpler, smaller, and usually faster than lemmatizers, and for many applications, their results are good enough. Using a lemmatizer for that is a waste of resources. Consider, for example, dimensionality reduction … Read more
