bash: redirect (and append) stdout and stderr to file and terminal and get proper exit status
Perhaps you could put the exit value from PIPESTATUS into $? command 2>&1 | tee -a file.txt ; ( exit ${PIPESTATUS} )
Perhaps you could put the exit value from PIPESTATUS into $? command 2>&1 | tee -a file.txt ; ( exit ${PIPESTATUS} )
systemd.service(5) says: ExecStart= Commands with their arguments that are executed when this service is started. So, systemd runs your /apppath/appname with args >, /filepath/filename, 2>&1 Try: ExecStart=/bin/sh -c ‘/apppath/appname > /filepath/filename 2>&1’
cerr is the C++ stream and stderr is the C file handle, both representing the standard error output. You write to them the same way you write to other streams and file handles: cerr << “Urk!\n”; fprintf (stderr, “Urk!\n”); I’m not sure what you mean by “recover” in this context, the output goes to standard … Read more
The solution you suggest is a good one: create your processes manually such that you have explicit access to their stdout/stderr file handles. You can then create a socket to communicate with the sub-process and use multiprocessing.connection over that socket (multiprocessing.Pipe creates the same type of connection object, so this should give you all the … Read more
If I save the output of this script (i.e. stdout only) so that I could process it later, would that warning interfere with how the output is parsed? Moreover, if output is piped to another process, the warning should show up on the terminal, so the user sees it immediately. For those reasons, in general, … Read more
First, yes, 1>&2 is the right thing to do. Second, the reason your 1>&2 2>errors.txt example doesn’t work is because of the details of exactly what redirection does. 1>&2 means “make filehandle 1 point to wherever filehandle 2 does currently” — i.e. stuff that would have been written to stdout now goes to stderr. 2>errors.txt … Read more
This is now possible as of FFmpeg 2.2 with the -hide_banner option. See also the relevant commit and ticket.
Preface re what doesn’t work: Setting the $ErrorView preference variable $ErrorView variable to ‘CategoryView’ causes PowerShell to output concise, single-line error representations instead, but this representation may not always include enough information, because the error message is typically not included; on the plus side, the text passed to Throw “…” is reflected, but, by contrast, … Read more
The code in your question may deadlock if the child process produces enough output on stderr (~100KB on my Linux machine). There is a communicate() method that allows to read from both stdout and stderr separately: from subprocess import Popen, PIPE process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) output, err = process.communicate() If you need to read … Read more
To answer your question: in php-fpm.d/www.conf file: set the access.log entry: access.log = /var/log/$pool.access.log restart php-fpm service. try to access your page cat /var/log/www.access.log, you will see access logs like: – – 10/Nov/2016:19:02:11 +0000 “GET /app.php” 404 – – 10/Nov/2016:19:02:37 +0000 “GET /app.php” 404 To resolve “Primary script unknown” problem: if you see “GET /” … Read more